Music promotion. Everyone from the first time songwriter to the seasoned pro, ponders the question of promoting his or her musical career. There are books, 10 step programs, and even charts and graphs that claim to have solved these weighty issues for us. All we need to do is shell out a few bucks, do the steps and be on our way to success. If only it were that simple! Is it possible that these methods and programs have been trying to attack the music promotion question from the wrong angle? That’s where Lisa Lepine comes in. She was given the nickname, The Promotion Queen, so it was a good assumption that she would be able to offer some perspective on the matter. So, before you staple another concert poster to another telephone pole in your city, take a listen to what Lisa has to say. It might be time to rethink what will really move your career forward.
The intro theme song is by our very own Chris Robley
The featured music in episode 2 is by Oh Darling